The Most Beautiful Gifts

Happy Families Card Games


DIY Decorative Idea

Sunshine at home

Needing sun!

Spring Mode Activated

Office Essentials


Cultural games, decorative and creative manual activities

For a pop and stylish disconnected time

Papier Tigre

A Free Notebook

Papier Tigre designs and manufactures creative and colorful stationery. For any order over €60, we offer you one of their beautiful notebooks.

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In mainland France from €50

Eco-friendly Production

Carefully selected materials

Manual Intelligence

Do it yourself, by hand

Our Collections

Take Time for Yourself

We create cultural and creative objects and gifts that brighten up everyday life and stimulate the imagination. We trust the intelligence of the hand and offer cultural card games and pop and colorful decorative paper objects to make yourself to disconnect with a smile. Let your hands do the talking!

Laurence Calafat, founder of Cinqpoints

To create is to live twice

Albert Camus

It is by having hands that man is the most intelligent of animals


Creativity is intelligence having fun.

Albert Einstein

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Centenaire de la naissance de Joan Mitchell
Iconic women

100th anniversary of Joan Mitchell's birth

Joan Mitchell, major figure of Abstract Expressionism, would have been 100 years old in 2025. A passionate painter, free and visionary, she left a strong mark on Art History with her powerful and c...